Without A Murmur

Exhibition run
8th November – March 2013

“Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness,/Thou foster-child of Silence and slow Time,/” thus begins English poet John Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn that sends readers up on a meditation on art and time. In the exhibition Without a Murmur, the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design invites viewers to experience time in terms of movement both visual and visceral in the works of Lani Maestro, At Maculangan, Dick Daroy and Maria Taniguchi. The exhibition is open to the public from November 8, 21012 until February 2013.

Videos, sculptures and installations are forms the works will take. The works of the featured artists are brought out from memory, a process that requires slowing down and allows for sharing. This interaction provides what American philosopher George Herbert Mead calls the ‘specious moment.’ In between assignments or between day and night, these moments create attraction, wonder, confusion, etc. leading to a discovery of a world within herself, as Maestro posits, or for the viewers to discover something different.

Participating artists: Lani Maestro/Maria Taniguchi/At Maculangan/Roderico Daroy

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